Although analyzing vendor billing can be time-consuming, it is achievable to make a significant impact on your company's bottom line.
To lower your spend on telecom and IT services, try some of our simple tips on what to look for and things to consider.
And if you need some assistance, or just don't have the time to constantly analyze vendor bills, please reach out. We guarantee to save you time and money.
We honestly don’t believe the service is delivering on client expectations — and too often is oversold as a cure for all. VoIP is good for some but not for all.
Sure there are some savings.
But there are some tradeoffs as well.
To determine if this solution fits your company, the justification equation must include more than just cost of replacement. It’s not about telecom, but rather it’s about your business.
VoIP does not fit every scenario. It is not available everywhere, so confirm where you do business. And yes, don’t be surprised, but you will still have lots of other telecom bills.
Without changing your telecom to VoIP you can wring out 15-20% savings from your current vendors with TEM.